04 antibodies

“My face, my defining feature that represents me, presents me to the world. I look myself in the mirror as you would a lover who has just awakened. I look back at me before I decided what face to wear today. My eyes will focus my gaze. My mask.” 


02 the stuff our dreams are made of
“You think I go about my daily life, the details I’ve constructed to avoid you, but the truth is I can’t cope with your kind of love when you hold back your light.
I still keep a picture of you above my bed, it reminds me of the moment you decided to distance yourself and disappear.” 


06 uneven grounds

using gestures of moving forward, stopping, and open arms (that may be interpreted as pointing to two opposite directions
whichevergestures to the count of 8 regardless of repetition
it’s a laborious journey or a bumpy ride; we will make it to the other side having sat in silence 



07 genena

learn more about this project here

wathc this space for more about our latest publication agentive beings and animate possibilities. our publications have until now been in arabic



video installation



06 I am a page that is being updates

check back soon


05 forum theatre

defined by its creator as a practice of change 
a rehearsal in changing fate using conflict as a place where individual intervention may correct and fact oppression. also names theatre of the oppressed


08 corporeal mapping

somatic practices allow us the time, and give us the tools to engage in sensing. in itself sensing is a narrative of self in/and space...
how can the practice of listening to and being with sensation be manifested as a map? how can mapping give form to sensation?


portfolio of select projects ongoing projects artistpublications facilitation of socialand community basedpractic